The Money Spa: Pampering Your Financial Future

Virtual Miss Friday 😃
Oct 14, 2023

I want to share an exciting journey with you, one that's radically transformed my life and can do the same for you. It's all about something I like to call the "Money Spa," where I'll introduce you to abundance, positivity and financial miracles 🤩

The Money Spa came into existence after a profound shift in my own financial journey. I had been following the timeless principles laid out by Napoleon Hill in "Think and Grow Rich," and I was experiencing success after success. Financial goals were being met, and I was witnessing what I can only describe as miracles unfolding before my eyes. It was an exhilarating journey.

But then, something unexpected happened. I got sick, which was unusual for me. During this period of illness, I had a spiritual experience that left me feeling completely out of control of my life. My optimism, positivity and faith were put to the test, and I felt like I was failing. I tried to force myself to work, to do things I didn't really want to do, and the more I pushed, the worse things became.

My friends noticed a change in me, where my work, which I usually loved, became a struggle for me, and my finances, which had been steadily increasing, suddenly came to a standstill. I knew this wasn't who I was, but I also recognised it as a lesson I needed to learn.

So I embarked on a journey to understand this lesson and, one day, the answer revealed itself to me through a video on my phone. The key word that triggered my awakening was "effortless." It became clear that the more effortless I was in my approach, the greater I could manifest everything I dreamt of.

Effortless work doesn't mean being lazy; it means working with joy, following your passion and reducing resistance. It's like being in the flow, where everything falls into place effortlessly. Once I realised this, I corrected my approach, and the shifts in energy and awareness were almost immediate. It was like finding my way back after being lost.

The idea for the Money Spa came to me during a seemingly ordinary day. My 9-year-old daughter found her pocket money, which I had placed in a box of essential oils to keep it safe. She exclaimed, "My money smells beautiful, Mum, thank you!" This simple moment triggered a flood of memories from my most abundant times in life. I realised that the better I treated money, the more of it I tended to have.

That's when it struck me – we rarely treat money as we would treat a cherished partner in life. Imagine treating money with kindness, love and respect, never wanting to imagine life without it... Money is more than just currency; it's energy, and our feelings towards it affect its flow.

The Money Spa is all about giving your money the ultimate pampering, like a luxurious spa day for your finances. By nurturing your relationship with money and treating it with love and respect, you naturally attract more of it into your life. Just as people are drawn to those who treat them with kindness and care, money is drawn to those who treat it well too.

The habits and principles within the Money Spa are simple and require very little time, but they have an incredible energetic impact. These small actions can set in motion a positive financial transformation that ripples through every aspect of your life.

So, here's my invitation to you: join me in creating your very own Money Spa. Start treating your money as the cherished partner it deserves to be. Nurture your relationship with money, and watch as the universe responds by sending more abundance your way!

My journey from financial struggle to abundance taught me that the key to success lies in the effortless flow of life. By treating money with love and respect, and by following the principles of the Money Spa, you can experience a profound shift in your financial situation, so embrace the power of abundance and let the positive energy of money flow into your life effortlessly.

Here's to a future filled with financial miracles & boundless prosperity 💫