Testimonial - Martha Christie

Virtual Miss Friday 😉
Jul 8, 2020

"I came across Virtual Miss Friday while researching Virtual Assistance and thought her website was amazing. Instantly I thought “Wow... here's a Virtual Assistant offering amazing advice and tips to other VAs to make their businesses a success!”

It was at that point my dream began and I went on the way to creating my business. At first, my business wasn’t very successful—but it was enough to keep me going alongside a full-time job. It wasn’t until I was made redundant at work that I took the leap to becoming my own boss. Initially, some clients treated me like their office administrator instead of a business owner.

So, I began with the beta version of the VA Apprentice Now 1nSourcing™ (Strategy & Training). Going through the course there were times I doubted it would work - but I'm proof it does. From the beginning of the course to the end, Michelle is with you 100% of the way. After completing the course, my client intake increased and my income doubled (my website had only been launched a week). My clients began to treat me like a business owner and follow my advice.

I had never met anyone like Michelle before and I truly don't think I ever will again. She's kind, warm-hearted, considerate and professional. She's a dedicated business owner who is genuinely interested in helping other Virtual Assistants achieve the same success she has. This course totally changed my life.

I went on to complete the VA Shoestring Now The Freelancer  and it's a seriously awesome course that will get you up-and-running in no time at all, even if you want to do it part-time. The best thing is… you can do it with very little start-up cost!

This course helps you set up your business in 30 days or less. It's so content-rich, chock-full of systems, processes, tips and tricks to get you well on your way to becoming a successful online business owner. Michelle provides you with the “inside scoop” on her tried-and-true techniques to set up your website, create content, network and gain clients... just to name a few. There's even a ‘live’ client consultation! As a Virtual Assistant who's just getting started, setting up your online business or, perhaps, wanting to level up like I did - then this course is an absolute must!

Before I started the VA Rockstar Now One-on-One Mentorship  I was struggling to obtain more ‘high-profile’ clients. I had a lot of clients but, through the course, I realised they actually were costing rather than making me money. I did a lot of soul-searching during this time and it helped me look at my business in a whole different light.

My marketing changed direction and clients began coming to me versus me looking for them. Isn’t this what every business owner wants? I learned how to simplify everything, which enabled me to take on more clients and have more time for myself.

The way the course is presented goes hand-in-hand with the learning process. I discovered how to create clearly defined goals and approach them without feeling overwhelmed. I learned to plan my days to perfection and turn consultations into new clients. This course helped my business go from zero to hero in a matter of months!

The work Michelle does for the Virtual Assistant Industry never ceases to amaze me. She offers absolutely wonderful advice that's honest and produces results. She's an extremely talented woman for whom I have the utmost respect.

My greatest success from all of Michelle's training and support has been my love for and devotion to my clients and my business. Michelle has taught me so much over the years that my business has gone from strength to strength. Michelle was always there with the right information at the right time - particularly during my toughest times, when I was ill. This alone helped me progress and take my business to the next level. 

Thank you, Michelle - from the very bottom of my heart - for this amazing opportunity, for giving me hope, knowledge and the ability to do something I love that also helps other people! I'm honoured to call you my mentor and my inspiration!"