Testimonial - Shun Jackson

Virtual Miss Friday 😉
May 23, 2020
"I’ve had the privilege of taking a host of Michelle’s programs and workshops. Through all of these courses, I’ve become a powerhouse of knowledge and have been better able to educate my own clients and help them understand the decisions they need to make to move their businesses forward. Since taking Michelle’s programs, I’ve been asked to mentor various up-and-coming entrepreneurs. I’ve also been invited to do podcast interviews. My following is consistently growing. 

Overall, I can say with absolute confidence that Michelle is THE go-to leader in the VA world. I haven’t seen anyone match her level of knowledge, thought and consideration in how she puts her programs together. She's highly structured and has set the bar for how I want to structure my programs and systems throughout my business. It’s so hard for me to choose which of Michelle’s programs have made the biggest impact on my life and business. 

The very first program I took was The VA Shoestring Now The Freelancer ! As someone who has been in the administrative profession for almost 20 years, I wanted to go into business for myself but didn’t know quite what I wanted to do in business. I had tried so many things over the years selling in MLM type companies and got tired of building someone else’s brand. I wanted to build a business that helped me grow, using my talents. I began to research and stumbled upon Michelle’s website. I was just in awe of her business. 

I beta tested her VA Shoestring program! This was the most detailed introduction to building and growing my own VA business. It was like a 30-Day crash course that allowed me to get around some of my learning curves in working online. This course landed me my very first clients within a month of completing the program. I made close $600 within 60 days of taking her course. This may not seem like a lot for some, but as a new, online entrepreneur, it was just the momentum I needed to really get the ball rolling! I thirsted for MORE. 

Michelle makes sure to educate her customers on their options so you continue to learn further just by working with her. Michelle does everything with top-notch production. She's one of the most ethical and professional business owners I’ve ever come across online. I am forever a fan! Michelle has made me realize how VAs, especially those who operate like her, are some of the best people to go to for advice on all aspects of your business. She's the ultimate VA who can teach you how to operate, what systems to use, how to hire, what products / services to offer and how to offer these products / services. She provides massive amounts of value with her FAQ database and mintranet of resources included with each program. Her programs and courses truly have been a life-changer for me. When I first found Michelle in 2011, my only goal was to become a great VA like her. However, since then, I’ve grown and expanded my business into coaching and consulting thanks to following Michelle over the years. 

I was really stuck on the development of my signature program. I had been trying to figure this out for over 5 months and, with Michelle’s help, finally came up with the outline for my program and overcome a lot of mindset blocks I didn’t even realize I had. I now have clarity about what I need to develop my program. Through Michelle, I learned how to know what steps I need to take next to get closer to my goals. I can’t say enough how this changed the momentum in my business and helped me jump leaps and bounds forward. 

Michelle and her programs have changed my life! Thank you, Michelle, for being my first introduction to the online space and for everything I’ve gained from you since! Because of you, I'm a powerhouse of knowledge and skill sets that I can only pass on to my customers by providing amazing value."